Sunday, December 8, 2013


This portrait sketch was done on ampersand pastel board with hard and soft pastels. The treatment of the hair is different than what the model presented, I felt the change was appropriate for my composition and I was quite pleased with the spontaneity of it. She was such a beautiful model, I thoroughly enjoyed working with her and have used her in several paintings.
I remember completing the piece and realizing that something was off - the portrait itself was quite lovely but something was just not right. Upon closer observation, it came to me, the ear was in the wrong position - what a shame - it was rendered beautifully. Well, beautiful or not it had to be fixed so I invited my young daughter (who is artistic herself) to watch as I redid the ear, the lesson being that you can make changes at any stage to improve the painting without condemning/discarding the work, something she was prone to do when she felt things didn't go quite as planned. Art after-all, is a series of corrections.

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